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  • Picture of Gerrilyn Yuvallos, RN

    Gerrilyn Yuvallos, RN

    Healthcare Virtual Assistant

    • Registered nurse in the Philippines with 3 years experience in a tertiary hospital
    • 8 years in the outsourcing industry for US healthcare insurance companies (operational management and customer service)
    • 3 years as a healthcare virtual assistant
  • Picture of Lanica S. Zorca, PTRP, CNMT

    Lanica S. Zorca, PTRP, CNMT

    Physical Therapist Registered in the Philippines
    Certified Neuromuscular Therapist
    Healthcare Virtual Assistant

    • Currently, a private practicing/home health based physical therapist and a healthcare virtual assistant (3 years)
    • 4 years as a Center for Neurodiagnostic and Services (CNS) Technologist in a tertiary private hospital

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  • Note: Online forms are only for general inquiries / appointments. Please do not submit any medical questions or your personal health information.
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Useful Links

  • Picture of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Picture of American College of Sports Medicine
  • Picture of American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • Picture of Arthroscopy Association of North America